

## Custom functions

# Wrapper function for testing
myTest = function(inDTcalc, inFtrue, inDir = "testdata") {
  resTest = testthat::test_that("test chunk", {
    locDTtrueRes = fread(file.path(system.file(inDir, 
    attr(inDTcalc, "sorted") = NULL
    attr(inDTcalc, "class") = c("data.table", "data.frame")
    if ("clTrackID" %in% names(locDTtrueRes)) setnames(inDTcalc, "collid", "clTrackID")


Demonstration of the ARCOS algorithm on synthetic data used for unit testing.

Only spatial clusters in consecutive frames are linked.

Test 1 - 1 central

A single object that is active at frames 2, [4,5], and [7,9]. There are gaps of inactivity at frames 3 and 6.

dts = ARCOS::loadDataFromFile(file.path(system.file("testdata", package="ARCOS"), "1central_in.csv"),
                              colPos = "x",
                              colMeas = "m",
                              colFrame = "time",
                              colIDobj = "trackID")

ARCOS::plotTracks(dts, size = 3)

The parameter nPrev = 1L tells the tracking algorithm to link events only from consecutive frames, i.e. it looks back only 1 frame. Hence, clustering will yield 3 events at frames 2, [4,5], [7,8,9].

dcoll = ARCOS::trackColl(obj = dts[m>0], 
                         eps = 1.0, 
                         minClSz = 1L, 
                         nPrev = 1L,
                         deb = F)

ARCOS::plotTracks(dcoll, size = 3)

[32mTest passed
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Test 2 - 3 spreading

Consider 7 objects that become subsequently active every 2 frames. It mimics an activity wave spreading from object #4 to neighbouring objects.

By linking events that are 1 frame apart (parameter nPrev = 1L), the tracking algorithm identifies 3 collective events.

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Test 3 - 5 overlapping

Consider two objects 2 spatial units apart that beocme active at overlapping time points.

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Test 4 - 6 overlapping

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Test 5 - 1 central growing

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Test 6 - 2 central growing

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Test 7 - 2 with 1 common symmetric

This test addresses a problem of two different activation events (objects #1 and 2) that spread to a common, equidistant neighbour (object #3).

Since there’s no obvious way to treat this symmetric case, the algorithm assumes that the common neighbour becomes active due to one of the initiators. Here, the activation wave #2 from object #2 spreads to object #3, while the activation wave #1 from object #1 is confined only to that object.

[32mTest passed
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Test 8 - 2 with 1 common asymmetric

A similar situation to the previous case but object #3 is no longer equidistant to objects #1 and 2. Instead, it is closer to object #1.

Since the neighbourhood cut-off is 1 distance unit (parameter eps), the collective activation #1 from object #1 spreads to object #3.

dcoll = ARCOS::trackColl(obj = dts[m>0], 
                         eps = 1.0, 
                         minClSz = 1L, 
                         nPrev = 1L,
                         deb = F)

ARCOS::plotTracks(dcoll, size = 3)

[32mTest passed
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Multiple new objects

Test 1 - simultaneous

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Test 2 - 4 new objects at once after 1

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Test 3 - 3 new objects at once after 2

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Test 4 - 4 new objects at once after 2

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Test 5 - 4 subsequently

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Split, cross, merge

Test 1 - split from single

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Test 2 - split from 2 objects

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Test 3 - cross 2 objects

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Test 4 - cross 2 objects with common

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Test 5 - merge & split 2 objects with common

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Test 6 - merge & split 2 objects crossing

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Test 7 - merge & split 2 objects near

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Test 8 - 2 clusters, 1 delayed

This test illustrates an important feature of the algorithm. At time 5, object #2 is within the eps radius 1.5 of object #1. This triggers the inheritance of cluster IDs of the nearest neighbours from time 4. However, the nearest neighbour of object #3 is object #4 (1.9 distance vs. 2 to object #1). Consequently, collective IDs of the new cluster are “split” between ID #1 and #2.

dcoll = ARCOS::trackColl(obj = dts, 
                         eps = 1.5, 
                         minClSz = 1L, 
                         nPrev = 1L,
                         deb = F)

ARCOS::plotTracks(dcoll, size = 3) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:7) +
  theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank())

[32mTest passed
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Test 9 - 2 clusters merging

This test illustrates another important feature of the algorithm.

dcoll = ARCOS::trackColl(obj = dts, 
                         eps = 1.5, 
                         minClSz = 1L, 
                         nPrev = 1L,
                         deb = F)

ARCOS::plotTracks(dcoll, size = 3) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:10) +
  theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank())

[32mTest passed
[39m 😀

Test 10 - 2 big clusters crossing

This test illustrates another important feature of the algorithm.

dcoll = ARCOS::trackColl(obj = dts, 
                         eps = 1.5, 
                         minClSz = 1L, 
                         nPrev = 1L,
                         deb = F)

ARCOS::plotTracks(dcoll, size = 3) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:10) +
  theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank())

[32mTest passed
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Spatial clusters are linked 2 frames back, thus a one-frame-gap is allowed in a collective event.

Test 1 - 1 central

Here parameter nPrev = 2L, which links events from two consecutive frames, i.e. it looks back 2 frames. Hence, clustering will yield 1 continuous events.

dcoll = ARCOS::trackColl(obj = dts[m>0], 
                         eps = 1.0, 
                         minClSz = 1L, 
                         nPrev = 2L,
                         deb = F)

ARCOS::plotTracks(dcoll, size = 3)

[32mTest passed
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Test 2 - 3 spreading

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Test 3 - 5 overlapping

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