
Here we demonstrate tracking of collective events from a sequence of binary images. Each pixel in the image is treated as a separate object, to which an objID number is assigned. The objID identifier is the same for objects with the same X/Y position in subsequent frames.

Pixel values, the measurement, assume values 0 or 1, which correspond to an inactive or active object, respectively. Objects with value 1 are active and our goal is to detect and track a collective activation of all such objects in all frames of the time sequence.

Growing circle

Here we detect and track a concentrically growing cluster of active objects directly from a sequence of 12 binary PNG images at 64-by-64 pixel resolution.

Read data from images

We use the loadDataFromImages function to read data from PNG images. The function returns an arcosTS object, which is a data.table with additional attributes that specify position, measurement, and object ID columns.

Since images are binary, we set the thres parameter to -1 to load all data, zeroes and ones, without thresholding.

dtIm = ARCOS::loadDataFromImages(file.path(system.file("testImagePatterns/concentricGrowth",
                                 thres = -1)

The final long-format input data with active/inactive objects. Columns:

  • x and y correspond to X/Y coordinates of an object,
  • m contains binarised measurement \(\{0,1\}\) that corresponds to inactive/active objects, respectively. For identification of collective events we will only use active objects, i.e. \(m > 0\),
  • objID holds an object identifier, which should be at least unique within a single time frame,
  • time indicates the time frame number.
y x m IDobj frame
1 1 0 1 1
2 1 0 2 1
3 1 0 3 1
4 1 0 4 1
5 1 0 5 1
6 1 0 6 1

Time sequence

Here we plot the time sequence with a growing concentric circle. Each frame (time point) consists of a matrix of 64x64 objects, where each object can assume a value of 0 (inactive) or 1 (active). In this example objects do not change their positions or identities across frames. In general, both positions and object identifiers may change between frames.

Detection and tracking

We use the ARCOS::trackColl function to identify collective events in frames and to link them between frames.

dtColl = ARCOS::trackColl(dtIm[m>0])

The result from tracking of collective events is a long-format data.table with columns:

  • time with the frame number,
  • objID with an identifier of an object involved in a collective event,
  • collID with an identifier of a collective event that is unique across the entire frame sequence.
frame IDobj collid.frame collid y x m
2 1895 1 1 39 30 1
2 1957 1 1 37 31 1
2 1958 1 1 38 31 1
2 1959 1 1 39 31 1
2 1960 1 1 40 31 1
2 2021 1 1 37 32 1


Here we display frames only with collective events. The algorithm identified a single event in 10 subsequent frames:

Moving circle

Detect and track a moving cluster of active objects directly from a sequence of 16 binary PNG images at 64-by-64 pixel resolution.

dtIm = ARCOS::loadDataFromImages(file.path(system.file("testImagePatterns/movingCircle",
                                 thres = -1)

dtColl = ARCOS::trackColl(dtIm[m>0])

Split circle

Detect and track a cluster of active objects that splits into two parts. Analysis directly from a sequence of 15 binary PNG images at 64-by-64 pixel resolution.

The analysis should consider everything as a single cluster even after the split.

dtIm = ARCOS::loadDataFromImages(file.path(system.file("testImagePatterns/splitCircle",
                                 thres = -1)

dtColl = ARCOS::trackColl(dtIm[m>0])

Moving multiple circles

Detect and track multiple moving clusters of active objects directly from a sequence of 9 binary PNG images at 64-by-64 pixel resolution.

dtIm = ARCOS::loadDataFromImages(file.path(system.file("testImagePatterns/movingMulti",
                                 thres = -1)

dtColl = ARCOS::trackColl(dtIm[m>0])

Multiple events

Detect and track multiple activation sites from a sequence of 20 binary PNG images at 32-by-32 pixel resolution. Sprites created with Piskel web-app. Small random Gaussian noise added to X/Y positions.

dtIm = ARCOS::loadDataFromImages(file.path(system.file("testImagePatterns/4events",
                                 thres = -1)

# add Gaussian noise to X/Y
# Change the seed to explore other configurations

     `:=`(x = x + rnorm(.N, 0, .1),
          y = y + rnorm(.N, 0, .1))]

dtColl = ARCOS::trackColl(dtIm[m > 0], eps = 2.5)

# Create convex hulls around collective events fro visualisation
dtCollCH = dtColl[,
                  .SD[grDevices::chull(x, y)],
                  by = .(frame,
#> Warning: Using `size` aesthetic for lines was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
#>  Please use `linewidth` instead.